Jocelyn Robles 5sc

Jocelyn Robles

Jocelyn Robles's activity stream

  • commented on Contact 2022-01-17 12:25:07 -0800
    Hi, my name is Jocelyn Robles, I’m a Latina student working on my Master’s degree in Psychological Sciences at Northern Arizona University. I’m reaching out to you for assistance with my thesis research.

    I am investigating how Hispanic women can be successful in the workplace while also balancing their home demands. As you know, balancing work and home demands can be difficult, and being a Hispanic myself, I know how much family bonds and work ethics play a role in the time commitment one places in both home-employee roles.

    I was hoping you could help me with developing the best strategy for contacting working Hispanic women to invite them to be part of this study. Would it be possible to talk, or could I send you an email with more information?

    Thank you very much for your time.


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