Carlos Cruz 5sc

Carlos Cruz

Carlos Cruz's activity stream

  • commented on Contact 2022-09-16 09:50:07 -0700
    Hello, My name is Carlos Cruz and my group and I are 9th grade student at Vista Meridian High School in Santa Ana, CA.

    This quarter, My group and I enrolled in a quarter project through my school that focuses on addressing the UN Global Sustainability Issues. This quarter’s topic is centered around an Inequality; specifically sexism. We are interested in creating a volunteering event with National Hispanic Busniness Women Association. After researching the National Hispanic Busniness Women Association it seems like the goals of your organization and the goals of our project are extremely similar, especially when it comes to sexism and empowering women. For this reason, we are interested in creating a volunteering event with National Hispanic Busniness Association so that we can move one step closer to achieving my goals. By the end of the quarter, we will need to have created & hosted our shared event; we hope that collectively we can reach this goal together.

    Thank you for your time in considering our interest in becoming an event host for National Hispanic Busniness Women Association. If given the opportunity, we will work hard and do my best to be a positive contribution to your organization. We value the work that you do and will always be a supporter. We look forward to hearing from you.

    All the best,

    ([email protected]


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