Diana Wood 5sc

Diana Wood's activity stream

  • commented on Contact 2022-04-14 10:36:43 -0700
    Is your Orange County business not getting the attention it needs and deserves from your commercial cleaning provider? We want to change that!

    Goldeneye is a local janitorial company that delivers high-quality, reliable, and responsive facility care across a wide range of industries. We take our client partnerships seriously and always look to add more value.

    Would you be interested in having one of our representatives visit your business to provide a complimentary quote for your recurring janitorial needs?



    Diana Wood

    Regional Manager

    Goldeneye Commercial Services

    (714) 463-1632

    [email protected]

    333 S Anita Dr, Orange, CA 92868

    Respond with stop to optout.


    Use this form to reach out to us if you have additional questions.

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