Madison Battaglia 15sc

Madison Battaglia

Madison Battaglia's activity stream

  • commented on Contact 2024-01-29 03:14:08 -0800
    NHBWA – Volunteer & Graduate School Funding

    Hi Team,

    My name is Madison Battaglia and I am a Yale University class of 2020 graduate. I have enjoyed learning about NHBWA through your partnership and my membership with other DE&I organizations, so I am interested if I can become a volunteer of NHBWA, and/or if NHBWA offers any form of funding (e.g., scholarships, sponsorships, fellowships, grants, benefits, etc.) for underrepresented minorities (e.g., Latinx, LGBTQ+, women, etc.) in the graduate school application process (e.g., study materials, test fees, application fees, tuition, etc.)?

    Please let me know. Thank you.




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